User Research Services

Customized research scopes to fit exactly what you need. No generalized packages here.

Timelines: A few days to a few weeks

Pricing: Starts at $5k

Know how your customers interact with your digital experiences

How I Can Help You

Know what customers think and how they feel

Know what is happening and why it is happening

Use these insights to fuel data-driven ideation

Make informed business decisions to drive performance increases

Eliminate decision-making politics by swapping opinions with data

Heatmap Example

Heatmap Example

The Data Involved

Know how users are moving through an experience. What do they click? Where do they drop out? Where do they get stuck?



What do users think? How do they perceive something? How do they feel? What are their opinions?


Get the hard numbers. This type of data usually tells you the “what” of something.


This is Voice of Customer (VoC) data. It’s analyzing words directly from customers, and it usually tells you the “why” of something.

I Can Help You With…

Customer journey mapping


Session recordings


Unmoderated user testing

Moderated user testing



Message testing

Tree testing

Card sorting

Funnel analysis

Form analysis


Social media analysis

Heuristic analysis

Competitor analysis

Knowledge management

Session Recording Example

Alex Atkins, Director of Marketing

“User testing is critical for any SaaS business seeking to uncover friction points and usability issues. Capturing and analyzing unbiased behavioral data is among the top tools in any growth marketer's arsenal. Working with a kind, communicative, seasoned expert like Haley makes this a no-brainer.”

What You’ll Get

  • Common deliverables: recurring calls scheduled at the cadence and duration needed, brief doc creation, knowledge repository guidance, research setup and analysis help, research planning and project management help, audits of past work

  • Common deliverables: Full completion of research methodologies of choice from beginning to end, list of insights found in format of choice (e.g., slides, Airtable, Sheets, etc.), indexed list of insights prioritized in framework of choice, roadmapped insights in Gantt chart, calls to walk through insights and do Q&A

  • Learn how to set up, analyze, and report on any of the analysis options in the section above through live interactive sessions. This can include an audit of past internal research efforts as well to find areas of opportunity for improvement.

Execution Slide Examples from Insights Readout

Execution Example of Indexed Insights

Execution Example of Quick Heuristics

Interested in Working With Me?

Step 1: I’ll document what you’re trying to learn and what types of data are needed. We’ll also document what you already have that’s usable.

Step 2: I’ll map the research methodologies and tools needed to the findings from step one.

Step 3: I’ll give you a customized proposal with scope options, pricing, and timelines. Sign and we get started when you’re ready.

I’ve Been Told I Give People Sleep & Vacation Time Back

Finally get the results you want

Teams struggle to improve digital bottom lines effectively and efficiently. They don’t have the time, resources, or knowledge and end up frustrated. Get where you want to go. I’m driven by outcomes. Nothing else matters without results.

Offload stress, burdens, & work

Digital optimization takes the right experience and lots time to get better. If you’re not going to do it, someone else has to do it, and hiring rockstars in this field is near impossible. Use the experience and time I’ve spent in the industry to level up quickly.

Get leadership on your side

There’s often a lot of pressure to get optimization results, do more, and move faster. If too much time passes or too many failures happen, you can lose leadership’s support. I’ll make sure everyone is confident and happy.